The Real Responsive Process?

The web is not a fixed width. So if the medium is fluid, should the process be fixed? Fireworks and Photoshop are not flexible enough to demonstrate media queries, button and menu states, HTML5 and JavaScript behaviors, dynamic resizing of elements and navigation flow. Diving into responsive design projects can be daunting. Old design practices …

Maintaining Responsive Integrity in WordPress

Mastering RWD is difficult enough, doing it with a WordPress theme and no knowledge its intended use or future content is even harder. In this talk you’ll learn how to create WordPress themes that will maintain their responsive integrity over time. You’ll also learn how to build tools and strategies that you can implement in …

Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design

Responsive web design has hit the scene like a bomb, and now designers everywhere are showing off to their bosses and peers by resizing their browser windows. “Look! The site is squishy!” While creating flexible layouts is important, there’s a whole lot more that goes into truly exceptional adaptive web experiences. This session will introduce …

the page is dead

Responsive web design is changing the definition of a “page,” as it aims to address the growing variety of device form factors and locations where content is consumed. Additionally, as the web evolves, rules and limitations must be better understood in order to create truly unique content. This session will focus on design philosophy and development techniques to create and adapt your content for maximum impact, regardless of where and how it is consumed.